Our Mission

Our mission is simple: Combine the last 1500 years of timber framing tradition with the last 150 years of technological advancement to bring our clients dreams and aspirations to life.

Timber framing tradition includes giving the highest priority to quality and creating dwellings that are one of a kind. We sign our name to every piece we cut, and put our name on every frame we erect. As a result, in hundreds of years when our buildings are taken down, our names will be found still ascribed to our craftsmanship. Technology has come so far in the last 150 years and we not only incorporate it but are striving to push it forward. Through our sister company (Bassett Precision Tools) we are researching and developing the next generation of timber framing tools and techniques. This technology also includes the latest in computer design as well including the use of generative design, extended reality, and other computer aids to design the perfect home for our clients.

Our Services and Process


Architectural Design

We start our design process with you and your dreams. We then walk though the rhythms of your life to design a home that complements you and your lifestyle. Our basic design philosophy is that form MUST follow function. The most beautiful house means nothing if it doesn’t bring out the best in those that enter it. Through this process we also design a timber frame that accentuates your home. This design process (designing both the house and the timber frame in conjunction) results in a home that complements it’s timber frame and vise versa. We provide you and your general contractor with full architectural drawings to bring your dream to life as well as work with you both through the entire build process as needed.

Timber Frame Construction

Once your home is designed (by us or your own architect) we can construct just about any timber frame you can imagine. A full timber framed house, a hybrid construction (in which the timber frame is only used in the most visible portions of the home), or simple timber accents; we can supply it all. Our cutting process begins when we get the timbers in our shop. All timbers are selected carefully to ensure highest quality, then each timber is laid out and checked to ensure it’s joinery is in the correct place. Once everything has been laid out, cutting the frame begins with a combination of power and hand tools. The last step in the shop, is to trial assemble everything to ensure everything fits and pack it up for shipping. The most exciting step now occurs, the raising. On raising day, we arrive and unload the trucks and begin assembling the various parts and standing them up. Depending on the size of the frame, this about 3-10 days. Your general contactor can then come in and dry in the house and finish the project.